Thursday, March 26, 2009

Were To Begin

What next for Ireland.
from the beginning i want to make it clear that i am not posting to have a go at the government of this country and i am not associated with any political party but i will have my say on what i feel is right and unjust in relation to the way Ireland as a country has now been positioned.
In relation to the current economic state the country now finds its self in it is going to take a huge shift in government thinking to move from the position that we now find ourselves in to a more sustainable economy.
It is critical that we must learn from past experience of other countries that have been in this situation so that we can put together a proactive plan to move forward.
Much like the business plan that new companies have to draw up when presenting to banks for capital etc the government must if it is to expect the Irish people to accept what is going to be a drastic change in there circumstances due to increase taxes reduction of spending on services which at this time feel to me like they are of minimal standard especially in the health sector, put forward its business plan for the country for the next 6 months and year after year a revision of the same to show the country and indeed the world what we as a country are doing to get us out of this fiscal mess that we now find ourselves in.
there is a number of opinions floating around at this time telling people what way we should be moving in getting this economy back on track but as yet there has been no decisive action taken by the government apart from propping up the main banks and nationalising Anglo Irish Bank
although this is a critical part of stabilising the economy which the government had little choice in doing as much to every persons horror so far absolutely nothing has been done to look at ways of re kick starting the economy and moving from a situation were the finance policy was geared towards a construction industry that was shuttling along at break neck speed without the proper appreciation of the economic stability of the country
combine over inflated prices which to my view were at least 50 to 60 percent above what was sustainable and a banking system which had little or no regard to regulation then it was a total recipy for disaster

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